Saturday, August 27, 2011

ENG 102 Response 2

“Response to Casey Anthony Article”

In the article, entitled “Thoughts on the Casey Anthony Trial,” the writer gives their thoughts and opinions about the case. The writer talks how the media portrayed Casey Anthony, and that it, the media, launched a full out attack on women’s liberation, reproductive rights, etc. The writer also states that they agree with the jury’s verdict, that they prosecution had not proven its case, beyond a reasonable doubt.  She goes on to express how the prosecution had “holes” in their case, and that the case was doomed to fail from day one.  It is the writers expressed opion that she agrees with the verdict in the trial, but also states that she doesn’t know is Casey Anthony murdered her daughter either.
                In my response to this article, I would like to know what make the writer think that the media was attacking women’s rights. I believe that Casey Anthony was treated just like any other person on trial for a crime. I do believe that the media did spend too much time covering this case, when there where similar cases going on at the time of the Casey Anthony trial. What made this trial so much more “special” than the other ones going on across the country? I think that the Casey Anthony trial was cover so much, because she was young, from a well off family, and what America considered suburbia. I often wondered if this had been a young woman, who was from a well off family, and grew up on the other side of the tracks, would the media had given it as much attention, and the answer to that million dollar question, would be no.
                The writer also talks about the “holes” in the prosecution’s case. I agree to a certain extent that the prosecution was just a little ill prepared for this case. I believe that they assume that this was a winnable case, simple because of the degree of the crime, and what evidence that they had would be suffice. The prosecution may have been a little on the assumption that they would win because of the nature of the crime, and all of the media attention that the case received. I however do not believe that the prosecution’s case had many “holes” as the writer has stated. I think there might have been a few “holes” but not as many, as stated in the article. The prosecution could only work with that evidence that was found at the crime scene, and from eye witnesses. There where to many obstacles that prevented the prosecution from obtaining certain evidence. For example, during the time of the search for the missing child, there was a tropical storm, which washed away the child’s body from the original burial spot, along with any type of evidence.
                In the article, the writer states that she agreed with the verdict of not guilty. I don’t support that verdict at all. I believe that there was ample evidence to convict Casey Anthony of murder. I just think that it was present well to the jury, in which, they return with a not guilty verdict. We as Americans will never know what happened to Casey Anthony’s daughter, and she may have been found not guilty by a jury of her peers, but will she be found not guilty, by public opinion? Casey Anthony will never be innocent in the most Americans eyes. Some media outlets even state, that there will be no place in the US that Casey Anthony will be able to live a normal and safe life. I would have to agree with the media, every place she would go, she would have to live in seclusion, and never show where face. In the end, we will never know if she killed her daughter, but I believe in my opinion that it is safe to say that she had some part in her daughter’s murder.


1 comment:

  1. Anthoney -- why do refer to "the writer"? Does "the writer" have a name :) Use it in your responses.

    Also, you ask question of why the author thought a certain way -- these should be answered through your reading -- what did the author write about it?

